1st year ESO

Topic: The colours of Emotions 1st-3rd ESO
Teacher: Carmen Criado

2. C for Content

The purpose of this unit is to raise students´ awareness of how images can be manipulated in order to develop emotions, using one basic element such as colour.
Composition, lighting and the other elements of an image are necessary. Each play their role in creating a well-balanced image, but none of them can capture emotion like colour.

6. Activities

Colour families affect mood.
The teacher introduces the images, paintings, and advertisements and shows the use of colours in sections with pauses for comment and discussion.
Teachers con start by explaining various points during the viewing so that students understand some concepts and ask questions and follow this with stopping at relevant points.
Questions for teachers:
 What colours do you see?
What are the main colours?
Are some more important tan others?
Why do you think certain colours are used?

7. Tasks

We will choose an image and simplify in its principal lines discovering the most important areas of the image.
 These areas will be cover with different colour families.
Students will be able to adjust Hue, Saturation and Temperature.
Using warm colours, you can create sizzling images filled with anger, romance or excitement. Using cool colours help create feelings of calm and serenity.

10. Resources and materials

Students will be using tools they are familiar with (crayons, felt pens..).
 In this case we want to focus on different group of colour, choosing the most appropriate colour family to represent the new personality, mood or atmosphere.

Topic: Your Chinese Animal Zodiac by OKUDA
Cross-curricular(ism): Biology and Maths
Teacher: Diego Miñambres

1. Learning outcomes

Study a new culture: China
Describe your own personality by your Chinese Zodiac.
Design your animal.

2. C for Content

The Story of the Chinese Zodiac.
Names of the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac.
Characteristics about Okuda´s Art

3. C for Communication


Chinese Culture, Zodiac. Animals: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog
Geometric shapes: Triangle, trapezoid, star, square, rectangle, octagon, circle


Present simple
There is and there are
Conditional: Should

Language skills  Discourse type

Listening and Speaking.

To describe their own artwork to the rest of the group.

4. C for Cognition

Compare the Chinese zodiac with Star Signs.

5. C for Culture

Analyze the main differences between the ancient Chinese culture and modern day graffiti.
Focus on the progress more than the final result.

6. Activities

Create a big Chinese Zodiac calendar with geometric animals.

7. Tasks

In groups: design your own animals with geometric shapes. (Okuda´s Style)

8. Cross-curricular tasks

Subjects: Biology and Maths


9. Organization and class                                   distribution. Timing

The activity will be done in 3 classes:

1st Introduction to the Chinese culture and the Chinese Zodiac. Talk about the Chinese and Spanish culture. Brainstorming: Vocabulary.
2nd Grammar. Divide the work in groups. Sketches.
3rd Design your own animal from the Chinese Zodiac. Present the animals to the rest of the class and describe the main features.

10. Resources and materials

11. Key Competences

Linguistic, mathematic, social, cultural, learn to learn, autonomy

12. Assessment:
criteria and instruments

Linguistic skills

Creativity in their art work

Ability to use geometric shapes and create something realistic.

Team work.

Criteria and instruments; to learn the basic words animals.

Show the art piece to the rest of the class/ we could share it on the school blog

Resultado de imagen de perception

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Cross-curricular(ism): Physical Education

Teacher: Laura Sampedro

Resultado de imagen de composition in art

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Cross-curricular(ism): Social Sciences (Geography)

Teacher: Ana Gassó

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